Saturday, May 27, 2006

(not) part of that (real) world

I haven't updated this thing in a while, so that nagging feeling akin to obligation is slowly creeping in, and I figured I'd write a few words before hopping into the shower --> breakfast --> picnic --> long island

+ As much as I've complained about not having a real job, I'm secretly loving the fact that I can bum around for a little bit, read a (bad) book a day, write, watch movies, veg out, and just go babysit once in a while. Maybe I'll regret my sloth-like tendencies in the future, but hey - carpe diem.
+ I've had the time to just hang out with friends (new, semi-old, and old) and for the most part, they're divine.
- Writing block. Started a piece but just haven't been able to get it off its feet.
- So much to do for France = pain in the ass, but...
+ ...Eeeeeep is France actually happening?!
+ Mom's coming in tomorrow
+ Laurie R. King's Mary Russell detective series; they're such an indulgence and I love them. My English teacher in 10th grade told me she thought I'd like them, and she was so right. It's sort of a remake of Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes books with a twist - he has a female counterpart, heyo! I reread "The Beekeeper's Apprentice" (first of the series) the other day and I'm onto the newest one. So good. I don't know what it is with me and a mystery series, but Boxcar Children & Agatha Christie & Laurie R. King = choice.

Okay, breakfast time.
I really want to see X3. And Les Poupees Russes. And Over the Hedge (Avril Lavigne???). And maybe Da Vinci Code. I haven't seen a film in theatres in SO LONG, ARRGH!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

and thus it begins

Summer means picnics, which means fabulous playlists.
So far I've spent this Sunday making the ultimate picnic playlist, and another subset playlist that's meant to be listened to when one is lying on the grass on a sweltering summer night, meditating on anything and everything absurd (& preferably, while one isn't sober)

"wine + cheese + sun"
"august nights"
