Tuesday, October 25, 2005

it's cold.

It's officially lotion season. Meaning I constantly have to apply moisturizer onto my hands and face because they're perpetually dry. Thank you, wind and rain.

I have decided that my apartment senior year must have an accessible fire escape (because Breakfast at Tiffany's has forever made fire escapes romantic) and ideally, shutters. Color is debatable.

Have I ever confessed my ardent love for the 'Grey's Anatomy'? It's so good. I'm not really a hospital show person, but I effin love this show. It's up there on my must-see TV list, along with Arrested Development and Curb Your Enthusiasm. And....some others that have escaped my mind.

For my french presentation yesterday (topic: perfume) I sprayed perfume onto the handouts for the class...and I guess the scent permeated all of the other papers in my folder, because while I was in Bobst working on some lecture notes for Nat. Sci, it kept wafting. That's a funny word, waft.

I spilled contact solution onto my keyboard over the weekend and thought my life was over for about 30 seconds. I think it's okay though. (knock on wood)

This past Saturday was my suitemate Kelsey's 21st birthday. She or one of the other suitemates has a friend who works at Bubba Gump's Restaurant up in Times Square (cue "nooooooooooooooooooooooo") and so they wanted to go there for dinner.
[Let me clarify one thing: I hate Times Square. I turn into the stereotypical angry New Yorker when I'm trying to walk on the sidewalk and the flocks of tourists decide to collectively stop and stare at a billboard or giant Hershey's bar. I shove, I mutter explitives (sometimes loudly) and my brother doesn't like to be around me when we're in the area - I'm that disagreeable.]
So, Bubba Gump's is indeed from the Forrest Gump movie, so there's a gift store inside the restaurant with Forrest paraphenelia. As I was browsing (to get away from the line/tourist crowd) an employee goes "So, where are you from??" I reply "...Actually...I live here." The employee pauses, and gives me a weird look before asking "...so what are you doing here?"
It was a funny/sad moment.

Funny/sad seemed to be the theme of this past weekend.

Elena and I emailed Dale (Wardlaw), and he emailed us back.
This may seem like the protocol for any normal Internet users, but when it concerns Dale Wardlaw, it is a huge fucking deal if he gets his act together enough to send a reply.
So naturally, when Elena got the email, she screams "OHHHHH MY GOD!"
Me: ????

Okay so we didn't hyperventilate. Well, maybe I almost did.
And for those of you who don't know who Dale Wardlaw is/why we're making such a big deal out of this, you should probably know that he was our high school music/chorus director.
...now you may laugh.

Okay well I'm going to much on some pretzels because there's nothing else to eat. Sad.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

leftover chinese food

I don't really know what to think of people anymore. And I don't think that sentence made any sense. I'm tired.

After reading a Charlize Theron interview, I've changed my mind about her. She seems pretty cool.

Last night was extremely random.

This week is going to suck ass.

Monday, October 17, 2005

bring that beat back to me again

It must be the fall weather that's making me feel this way: part crazy, part inspired, part invincible. It's that 'college' sensation that everyone always talks about, it's that residue feeling that will remain with you for the rest of your life. It started somewhere in the library a few hours ago, most likely fueled by caffeine, the lack of food in my system, Goncharev's "Oblomov" - a novel that describes every facet of my being perfectly and profoundly. I ran out of the library and into Kimmel and into a rehearsal room and just jammed by myself for a good half hour - because I knew I didn't have much time - and the added adrenaline just made me insane. A good insane. It was the feeling of things falling into place and out of place, but in the right way. Walking back to the dorm - no, not walking, I couldn't really feel my feet hitting the pavement - with the right music in my ears, empty wallet, totebag carrying everything I'll ever need: water, 501 french verbs conjugated, cigarettes for those down moments, Oblomov....I've never been so okay with my life; I was having articulate epiphanies every ten steps or so and I know I'm not in love (or am I) but I hope this is what love feels like because even with this seemingly insurmountable amount of work in front of me everything seems unusually clear, and maybe it's the feeling that I've finally broken free from triviality, from petty bullshit and superficiality, and my conscience was so spotless. That feeling I had on the walk home, I want to bottle it. I know I'll need it sometime in the future, but in all honesty I want to live that feeling every fucking moment of my life.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

sunlight? what?

It's about goddamn time it stopped raining. I woke up today from the unusual brightness in my room, and was momentarily confused.

So after having a dry spell of celebrity spottings - I rarely rarely rarely ever see celebrities, even though I'm in the fucking West Village and Kate Hudson apparently lives a block away - yesterday I saw four. FOUR!!
First, I walked by Mike Myers. They were filming something on Hudson St, I think something where Mike Myers plays Keith Moon from The Who. I was on the phone but we made eye contact and smiled and he seemed so friendly and cuddly. He was talking to another guy and I was half expecting the Shrek voice.
Then they were filming another movie at Ciao, this cute restaurant on Bleecker and MacDougal that I love, and I was having dinner at Figaro, which is right across the street. After talking to a crew member while she wouldn't let us cross the street bc they were rolling, it turns out the movie is "Griffin and Phoenix" starring Amanda Peet and Dermot Mulroney, so I saw both of them inside. But before that, I walked by Gabriel Byrne, who played Freidrich in Little Women.

Actually, I saw Amanda Peet and Dermot Mulroney twice...the first time was at dinner, and then the next time was when we were walking by again, on our way back from Peculiars, and I said "OHHH THAT'S THE GUY FROM MY BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING?? BUT HE HAS GRAY HAIR!!"
....Yeah. I'm a loser.

Anyway, last night was fun. Got back at 6 and contemplated just staying up, but then decided that would probably be stupid in the long run.

My suitemate Kelsey made chocolate-chip banana muffins, and they're orgasmic. I'm supposed to save one for Elena, but..........eh......
...I'm just kidding, I'll save one for her.
....or won't I....[cue maniacal laughter]

By the way, I'm really getting into Brian Greene's "The Fabric of the Cosmos." There, I said it. I, Deb Oh, the most anti-math/science asian out there, just praised a book on relativity and quantum mechanics. Maybe I'm turning into one of them...maybe I've finally realized my true calling.

.....hahahahaha. Yeah fucking right. But seriously, it's a good book. Partly because Greene is brilliant, and partly because he doesn't write in dry technical science language.

Three songs that need to be blasting on a sunny day like this: "Something In The Air" - Tom Petty, "Old Dirt Hill (Bring That Beat Back)" - Dave Matthews, and "Once Around The Block" - Badly Drawn Boy. Nothing in life can go wrong with these songs on rotation.

I need to go to campus and submit some pieces for Gallatone. In fact, I think I'll walk to campus. In FLIP-FLOPS!!!! carrying NO UMBRELLA!!!! (fuck yeaaaahhhhh)

Saturday, October 08, 2005

just call me martha

I WAS SO DOMESTIC TODAY, AND IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!! (we just watched legally blonde, so I'm in kind of an Elle Woods mode)

Because of the icky weather, Elena and I basically stayed in all day except to run to D'ags to get stuff for dinner.
For dinner, we made steak au poivre and haricot verts (green beans) and I consulted my Barefoot Contessa in Paris for the haricot verts.

And, it was really good.

And now there are brownies baking in the oven. *squeal*

(early) winter wonderland

It feels like early December. Not temperature-wise, but...something about today. I realize it's raining, but the light coming into the room just looks like a winter day...and maybe the music I'm listening to has something to do with it. I don't know. It's just one of those lazy days. And by lazy, I mean I have to write a paper and do an incredible amount of reading.

Went up to Spence with Elena yesterday, saw most of the faculty. Chatted with Sra. Melo, Proto, Frosch, Smit, McGowan, Wels, Chappy...Bailey was gone, they're expecting a baby boy any minute. Wade lost some weight, must be the South Beach diet or whatever he was on. He's pregnant too, and they painted their baby room a light pink, apparently. Zahler cut is hair, and he still looks delicious. His hair, his glasses, those EYES. I swear to God, I feel like I'm melting when I'm around that man. Not to mention, every time I talk to him or make direct eye contact, I feel like I'm turning bright red.
Christ, I need a minute to swoon.

And the 5th floor is now completely decked out for art, and when we were walking around, I felt like I was at an art school or something. It's seriously decked the fuck out for art. In the uptown private-school way. Still, amazing. And the basement is now the lounge/SAC/BOOCOCK'S OFFICE aaaahahahah. Yes, the senior/junior lounges are just feet away from like a college counselor "area." So unfortunate.
Anywaaay. I know no one really cares about my spence-capades, but I like going up there every once in a while. It's like time doesn't affect the spence bubble.

Oh well. Back to reading.

P.S - the chicken finger wraps @ Jackson Hole are still fantabulous.

Monday, October 03, 2005

le weekend dernier

You know how you can sometimes just FEEl your life starting to accelerate? Well, this weekend was like that, with the finishing of the recording, and the beginning of the massive workload that I'm desperately trying to keep up with. I can feel things moving in some direction, although I'm not sure what direction that is.
It's like, here I am. Running. Running somewhere, just because I can. And everything's kind of whirling around and I don't have a chance to find my bearings. It's fun for a while and then it's just chaotic.

So on Friday, Mike and I spent the day wandering around and having a little photoshoot, partially for his class and partially for Porcelain Jigsaw. Back at his place, we freaked out Owen the parrot by accidentally letting a canvas crash against the cage, and Owen shat itself. Mike and I fell apart laughing (we're incredibly mature).
Then we did a crazy remix of Silent Film, which is now "Silent Film (neon pink air force 1's and a ghetto blaster is all you need in life)" I don't know what that means, ask Mike.

Saturday, recording. I don't want to reveal much of what actually happened during the session, just to preserve your objectivity...you know, so that you can listen to the music for what it is. Or whatever.
And regardless of what happened, I got all the pieces recorded and now I'm done. It was a bit anticlimactic, but I think that's only because I realize this is just the beginning. Part A is finito. Now there's Part B, C, D.....infinity?

I feel like I always have more to say...but then I forget. I'm so easily distracted these days. Anyway, I was just writing this while I was finishing a sandwich. Now I have to go to Bobst with my Everest of work, and I'm coming back......never.
It was nice knowing you all.