Wednesday, August 29, 2007

wait is summer over?

Reasons why I love Alaska, despite all of my bitching and moaning about it:

1.) There is a full moon out right now, and it's literally lighting up the sky in a way I've never seen before -- the mountains are silhouetted, and the clouds are clearly discernible in the sky.

2.) The other night, on the drive home, we ran into some traffic (which is unheard of), and there was a flashing sign on the side of the road that read, "CAUTION BARN IN ROAD." At first this me
ssage seemed cryptic and I pondered the potential meaning of it, when out of nowhere, BAM. I see a big red barn sitting on a flatbed of a truck. Being reloacted from an unknown Point A to a Point B, traveling at approximately 2.5 mph. Don't believe me? Here:

In other news, I can't believe classes start in a week. Two of my professors sent out emails saying that certain readings and texts will be needed for the first day of class, etc

What the fuck?

I never buy books for the first day of class. I'm not even going to be in the city until the evening before classes. And what is with overeager professors, seriously. Ugh. Gar. Blech!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

i was your silver lining, but now i'm gold

I've never been that big of Rilo Kiley fan (Jenny Lewis is like a watered-down Neko Case), but interestingly enough, their new album (which apparently has been getting bad reviews from hardcore RK fans) has a few songs that are definitely hitting the spot for me. Case in point, Silver Lining: (the video is eh, but it's the only way I could get the song up)

In other news, it's a bit more frigid here than I'd like it to be........that is all.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

well, well, well.

I had finally summoned the willpower to stop blogging about the random - and, for the most part, pointless - goings-on in my life. I figured, why am I taking time out of my days to chronicle these trivial events, e.g. what I had for lunch, who I had lunch with, what I was thinking as I was walking through the park one day, etc etc etc.

And I did stop! For what, ten months? And I didn't even think twice about it. But it's always these times when I come back home, when I have nothing better to do but revisit old blogs (dangerous pastime), that I realize I somewhat enjoy going back and reading about myself (mmm, there's that old narcissism peeking its head out again) . Because on one hand, my long-term memory is shit for the most part; on the other hand, I revel in minute details when I'm piecing memories back together. So this cheesy little blog may come in quite handy one day when I write my memoirs, which will an exhilarating, mass accumulation of small, boring, detailed moments of my life.

Long story short: I'm back. For how long, who knows.

Since October (which feels like an eternity and a half ago), many many events have transpired, none of which I will delve into au moment. However, I will say that as of September, I will be living in my first apartment (cue SQUEAAAALLLL) with Elena, my ever-loyal roommate. 80th and 2nd, to be precise. And given all of the first-apartment-in-nyc-horror stories, I think our place is quite dapper. Hopefully apartment life will be favorable, although part of me is terrified, as this is a step towards becoming a real person.

Also, as of four days ago, I am 21 years old. GLORY.

I think I'll end my "prodigal son" (or I guess in my case, daughter) post here. Too much blogging after no blogging could send me into shock.