Monday, February 27, 2006

why mike is my favorite

Deb TextMsg Mike: there's a steve madden billboard that says "the hippest shoes don't come from paris or milan, they're imported straight from long island"
Mike TextMsg Deb: And God struck them from the earth...

...and this is why Mike D. is and always will be my favorite.

It has come to my attention that high school facebookers and college facebookers can now be friends. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?????

...neither do I.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

isn't she lovely

Been watching movies lately - unnatural for me, parce que it's usually a once in a blue moon thing that I just sit down and watch a dvd. Usually I'll be in some mood for a certain movie - you know, I'll have cravings for movies like I have cravings for random foods. Anyway, a few that stand out:
1. royal tenenbaums (one of the more aesthetically pleasing movies I've ever encountered)
2. manhattan (the gershwin score sometimes seems out of character, but in the right way)
3. contact (because this time around, I actually understand some of the math and science behind it. I know, my understanding math and science is a sure sign of the apocalypse. Stock up on bibles and bottled water, folks.)
4. mulan (when is this one ever not good. also, did you know that mulan's singing voice is also jasmine's singing voice? word.)
5. vertigo (deliciously creepy)

I liked Sasha Cohen's outfit when she skated to Romeo & Juliet. Too bad she fell - twice! What a LOOOOOOOSER.

JANE is an underrated magazine.

We made brownies at 2 am last night. Whoever's idea that was, it was a great one indeed.

When I wake up on weekends, I LOOOOOVE just lying in bed and doing absolutely nothing - with the exception of watching the little curtains moving around in the breeze. I guess I bask in those moments because these days that kind of listlessness is a luxury. Mmmmmmm, laziness.

Friday, February 24, 2006

nukapianguaq. what?

I don't usually read before going to bed when I'm at school, but I've recently developed a habit of doing so, and am lurving it.
Right now I'm reading Madeleine Albright's "Madam Secretary" and naturally, it's inspirational. But as all autobiographies of hyper-accomplished individuals go, it makes me feel desperately inadequate and worthless. Nevertheless, it makes me want to be better and I suppose that's a good thing.

Why does it always seem that in order to have a remarkable future, one needs to have had a remarkable past?

Today I got an NYU t-shirt which is a big deal because I'm not a big NYU paraphenilia person, but I'm sort of breaking the ice. Also I went bargain book hunting which is slowly becoming one of my favorite pastimes. Once it's a little warmer out, I'll probably spend more time browsing the $1 books outside of the Strand. Last time I got a Complete Poetry of Andrew Marvell, and this time I got a French Impressionism dayplanner (totally unnecessary since I already have a planner, but it was a dollar!!!), "Kate Remembered" and "With Kennedy" which was written by his press secretary; never can get enough of Camelot.

My UN seminar is trying to drown me with readings, but it's good because it's disciplining me to read the paper everyday (and by paper I mean because for some reason if I actually have the paper in front of me I have the urge to get some coffee or something to eat and just sit, leisurely rifling through, whereas if it's online I just do some power skimming and I'm done) and to just be more efficient about everything. I mean normally I'm the most inefficient, indecisive sloth.

Speaking of sloths, Ice Age 2 is coming out. Elena and I have designated it as our next date movie. And we're being serious because we were big fans of the first one. Shhh no laughing.

In other words, tonight I was dressed up as a little eskimo (I'm sorry I mean INUIT) child, complete with the fur headband around the face (of course the headband) and makeshift harpoon. Ohhhhhhh the things I'll do for Mike D. But my favorite cap - scratch that, the ONLY cap I've ever worn - was lost in the process of the chaos in the room, and that makes me very sad. Mike, I really hope it's stuck in your coat somewhere or in one of your bags because I searched every corner of the room and can't find it. :(

I think I'm going to go read and doodle some more in my dayplanner.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

ohhhh, the ice dance.

I'm usually into the Olympics. And for some reason, now I just find everything about it to be hilarious. I don't know why.

I was psyched about the long weekend but ended up doing shit. Again, I don't know why. It's not like there was nothing going on....I just felt like staying in and watching movies & reading all wekend. Which I did. And enjoyed.

I don't know why I'm updating if I have absolutely nothing to say.

sidenote: It's bizarre when you haven't really seen or spoken to someone in ages and it's at a point when you don't even know them anymore, and yet you can spot them from a block away, just by the way they walk. Which leads to another tangent - I've totally fallen out of contact with so many people. I think I'm going through another one of my friend cycles - I think it's some weird thing that I have where I just can't keep the same friends for a long time. There are a few exceptions, but eh. Nothing's permanent.

Ugh I want to hear whether or not I got into the Paris program. What's taking them so long.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

touch the sky

Kanye is such an overconfident prick. And I love him for it. His Grammy performance was uhhhhhmazingly fabulous.

So last night, after delish soup dumplings in Chinatown & Annie Hall, we went outside around 1 am just to get dibs on the fresh snow. Went to the river and it was gorgeous. Today was a little insane, with the snow up to my knees, but we went out again to get coffee and just wandered the village, frolicking.

Our suite has gone all out for Valentine's Day, intentionally. There are streamers everywhere, and half of a wall is covered in paper hearts with our celebrity crushes' names on them. I think I have the most paper hearts so far...although some of them aren't for reaaalz (eg James Lipton & Dick Cheney)

Basically, I've been feeling like a grade-school girl for the past few days.

Friday, February 10, 2006

candy hearts

So it seems that all of my past/present valentine angst has manifested itself in a new piece. It's light-hearted - I think a few of my songs have been taking that turn, away from cryptic pessimism. I guess I'm inadvertently trying to balance my heavy songs with lighter ones...or something.

That being said, will you let me Serenade you?

Monday, February 06, 2006

post-it thoughts

Do you ever have those moments, when you've been gliding along just fine and dandy and all of sudden everything just seems to fall out from underneath you and there's this plunging feeling, like every stable and decent feeling in me is vacuumed out of my system in a nanosecond and all is chaos? And then the next minute it seems to have passed and what's left is simply a vague, veiled...something. Can't put my finger on it.

Well, I don't like those moments.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

59th street bridge song

Ugh, Sundays.
Especially this one, because a.) the workload (alwaysssss the workload) and b.) Superbowl.

If my old suitemate Kelsey were here, I would probably tolerate it and maybe even watch some of it even though I don't understand a thing that goes on. But since she's in Florence, I am free to my old football-hating self.

Guess what next week is, everyone! It starts with a V and ends with a Day. Cari (new suitemate) is obsessed with having some big fiasco of a shmoozy get together, complete with drinks and decorations. All in fun, I suppose, but it still makes me want to curl up into a ball and decay.

Spectacular weather today, I must say. One of those days where you don't want to be inside doing god knows how much work.

Anyywaaaaaay, things are interesting/weird/okay/maybe/awkward. I need to get on the agenda (you know what I mean) and also I need a digital camera soon-ish. MMkay I've wasted enough time writing useless words. Adieu.