Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Tomorrow, 8 pm, Sin-e (150 Attorney St. btwn Houston & Stanton)
Gallatone Records' Release Party
I'm performing at 8:30.
Be there.

In the meantime, I'm guzzling tea and popping vitamin c supplement drops like it's my job. Elena and I are both getting sick and freaking out. At least I'm home free after tomorrow night; she has a shoot this weekend so she has to hold out for longer. Boo. It's spring, not gross sick season!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

feel good

This weekend was gold. Not anything specific that happened, but just in general, it was gold. It partly had to do with the fact that I did not do an OUNCE of work. But it mostly had to do with little things. And the fact that I wasn't just bumming around all weekend but actually running around and being me.

Friday: Was supposed to be a little eskimo for Elena's shoot but she didn't have a camera, so I ended up being a little eskimo for Mike's shoot (I'm so popular -- as an eskimo). We went to the east river, hopped over a railing onto a patch of beach, I got my shoes filled with sand, ripped a big tear in the crotch of my jeans while attempting to climb onto a rock, and we managed to get the shots he needed. Then on the way BACK over the railing, I slipped and landed flat on my back, which knocked the wind out of me. Needless to say, Mike took me out to lunch. We sat outside Cornelia Street Cafe in the 40 degree weather, ate and chatted and it was lovely. Then we headed back to G-Ho, made brownies with the suitemates and watched Brokeback Mountain (I cried). Mike left, and of course I wasn't going to do work, so I watched The Aristocrats and had another one of my conversations with Liz. When it's just us in the apartment we tend to just sit on our asses and talk each other's ears off, or dance around to John Legend. It's great. That night I went to the Village Tavern with Liz and her friends, then met up with other G-Ho-hos and was introduced to the most magnificent place on earth: Chumley's. Freaked out the entire time I was there, sitting under Fitzgerald's portrait and William Burough's cover of Naked Lunch and vowed to become a regular. Re-ignited my obsession with the game MASH, which has been updated to MASHITO. Fell asleep watching Breakfast at Tiffany's at 3 am.

Saturday: Woke up, went to Jack's with Cari to get coffee, stopped by/browsed Three Lives & Co, bought the most recent New Yorker, heard a guy yell "HEY ASSHOLE!" from his car window to another dude driving by (so New York, and yet I had never heard it until then), got my ripped pants fixed. Went to a show at the Lion's Den to hear a friend of a friend play, who sounded like Jason Mraz, Live @ Java Joe's. Had dinner at Chumley's (see? becoming a regular) with Justine, Ali, Mike, Audrey, Jill, Cari, Elena. Laughed a lot. Really laughed. Their burgers are orgasmic (served with english muffins, not conventional hamburger buns!) Less than an hour after leaving Chumley's from dinner, Elena and I went back with a different crew for drinks (Caroline, Stu...Thomas and his cousin came later) and a good time was had.

Today (Sunday): Spent a good chunk of the afternoon in the Tisch recording studio with Sammy (with Zack at the board), and we just jammed and had a blast. It was so productive, we recorded a Sarah McLachlan cover (Building A Mystery), an AMAZING piano & acoustic version of "Silent Film" which I am soooooo excited for Zack to finish mixing (think: acoustic inverted arpeggios, so simple, and sooooo beautiful. I love the guitar), me improvising to one of Sammy's songs, and etc. Made brinner (breakfast for dinner) and mimosas with the suitemates and watched Grey's and E! THS for America's Next Top Model.

Mmmmmmmm. I'm going to pay dearly for this negligence of schoolwork over the course of the week, but it was worth it.

The only minus: I think I may be getting sick. Which isn't good, given the Gallatone show is this Wednesday. Boo. I've stocked up on Vitamin C drops though, and plan on finishing off the entire bag by Tuesday, latest.

I know, I know this post was just a list of things I did over the weekend and didn't have anything intellectually or emotionally stimulating (actually, when do I ever write anything along those lines) but I just wanted to record everything for what it was: simple, honest fun. [sigh of contentment]

Saturday, March 18, 2006


James Lipton shotgunning a beer in a random cameo appearance on Conan = amaaaaazing TV moment.

Friday, March 17, 2006

gross sponge

Yeah our kitchen sponge is pretty disgusting right now. Just thought I'd let everyone know.

And that's all I have to say.

Just kidding, I'm not a TOTAL asshole ("BABE! WHEREDYOUWANNAGO?")
Did a mini photoshoot avec Mike on Wednesday, from which we got some good photos but it was all in vain (story later), hung out with Vanessa & Justine & co., freaked them out with the concept of bubble tea...Mike stayed over and we devised a ratings system, which I don't care to explain any further because it's our little secret (MWAHAHA). Mike dragged home a dresser drawer for me though, woot. It was cold out that night. Booooooo cold, where's spring.

Yesterday was Jill's 21st birthday, so we went out to Rare for dinner and then found a little pub called Daddy-o (so close to g-ho!!!) where we chatted and watched a guy puking across the street in front of the village tavern. Dinner AND a show, what whatt. So then it passed midnight and went from Jill's birthday to St. Patty's day so Elena and I toasted that (I love that Elena drinks now, mwwaahahahaa) and all was good.

Okay so here's the shitty story: I'm not playing the gallatone release party anymore.
Yep, after all of that excitement of finaaaaallly having some sort of legit gig, it all evaporated. Turns out Sin-e doesn't have a piano. Which, given their renown, seems a bit stupid. But at least I asked this time (learned my lesson from the Spence dance concert last year, where I ended up playing on a keyboard).
The best part is, the girl from gallatone who's coordinating this whole event emails me back saying "Well maybe you can try finding a piano."
Chhhhhyaaaa, I'm going to rent a piano and wheel it into the venue with full consent of the manager, who would have to be a serious junkie to let that happen.
Mmmmmmmmmmmm so yeah. Shit happens. I'll still go, at least to support the compilation cd and whatnot. But still. Big fat "EW."

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Note to self: Chicken Little, Hotel Rwanda, Sense and Sensibility, Good Night and Good Luck, To Catch A Thief, Thank You For Smoking, Block Party

I need to find a job + summer internship + summer plans + a life

I almost bought a Disney Princesses coloring book with a set of crayons the other day. My mental faculties have not regressed 13+ years, I just felt like it would be therapeutic. I mean I saw it and I thought, when was the last time my only priority was simply to color within the lines?

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

"marry me!"

2 midterms down, only one (french) test to go + goooorgeous spring-tease weather + just enough caffeine = giddy Deb.

Everyone go out and rent "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism", sit down, watch it, and be disturbed. Just trust me on this one. It may be biased, but not as biased as Michael Moore's 'documentaries,' and it's juuuust biased enough to counter the extremes that Fox News goes to to brainwash Americans.

Spring Break, you're sooooooo cloooooooossse...........

Friday, March 03, 2006

carpe fucking diem

1. Or as the cast of RENT warbles, "No day but today"


2. I think I became pseudo-fluent in French over the course of the week. Sometime between Tuesday and Thursday.

3. I follow the social protocol fairly well. I'll laugh, I'll play with my hair, I'll envelop myself with the right perfume, I'll "be high-maintenance pretending to be low-maintenance". But most of the time my heart isn't in it, and I come back home, throw my bag into some corner and breathe a sigh of relief like I've fulfilled some distasteful obligation.

I think being away for a year will be good for me. Most likely I'll come back a totally different person. I don't think I'd mind that.