Wednesday, August 29, 2007

wait is summer over?

Reasons why I love Alaska, despite all of my bitching and moaning about it:

1.) There is a full moon out right now, and it's literally lighting up the sky in a way I've never seen before -- the mountains are silhouetted, and the clouds are clearly discernible in the sky.

2.) The other night, on the drive home, we ran into some traffic (which is unheard of), and there was a flashing sign on the side of the road that read, "CAUTION BARN IN ROAD." At first this me
ssage seemed cryptic and I pondered the potential meaning of it, when out of nowhere, BAM. I see a big red barn sitting on a flatbed of a truck. Being reloacted from an unknown Point A to a Point B, traveling at approximately 2.5 mph. Don't believe me? Here:

In other news, I can't believe classes start in a week. Two of my professors sent out emails saying that certain readings and texts will be needed for the first day of class, etc

What the fuck?

I never buy books for the first day of class. I'm not even going to be in the city until the evening before classes. And what is with overeager professors, seriously. Ugh. Gar. Blech!


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