Saturday, May 27, 2006

(not) part of that (real) world

I haven't updated this thing in a while, so that nagging feeling akin to obligation is slowly creeping in, and I figured I'd write a few words before hopping into the shower --> breakfast --> picnic --> long island

+ As much as I've complained about not having a real job, I'm secretly loving the fact that I can bum around for a little bit, read a (bad) book a day, write, watch movies, veg out, and just go babysit once in a while. Maybe I'll regret my sloth-like tendencies in the future, but hey - carpe diem.
+ I've had the time to just hang out with friends (new, semi-old, and old) and for the most part, they're divine.
- Writing block. Started a piece but just haven't been able to get it off its feet.
- So much to do for France = pain in the ass, but...
+ ...Eeeeeep is France actually happening?!
+ Mom's coming in tomorrow
+ Laurie R. King's Mary Russell detective series; they're such an indulgence and I love them. My English teacher in 10th grade told me she thought I'd like them, and she was so right. It's sort of a remake of Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes books with a twist - he has a female counterpart, heyo! I reread "The Beekeeper's Apprentice" (first of the series) the other day and I'm onto the newest one. So good. I don't know what it is with me and a mystery series, but Boxcar Children & Agatha Christie & Laurie R. King = choice.

Okay, breakfast time.
I really want to see X3. And Les Poupees Russes. And Over the Hedge (Avril Lavigne???). And maybe Da Vinci Code. I haven't seen a film in theatres in SO LONG, ARRGH!


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