Thursday, July 20, 2006


So apparently sometime during the night, one strand of my hair decided to turn white.
It was either white, or really really platinum blonde, but that's unlikely since the root was white as well.
Just a single, white strand. Sticking out like a sore thumb.
I mean yeah, granted my hair has been getting much lighter from the sun, but it was a moment of:

Philharmonic Concert a few nights ago turned out to be fine. The music was beautiful, the fireworks were okay, and we all had a good time.
Until Katrina II hit.
So here's what happened: the concert ends, the fireworks end, and it seemed to be turning into a nice cool night. I go with Julia to the bathroom, go in, come out, and sometime during the 30 seconds I was inside the bathroom, a torrential downpour began. We basically lost half of our group when we got back to the lawn, so Julia, Molly and I followed the mass exodus of cheering drunk concertogers out of the park. I've never been so soaked through from rain in my life. Needless to say, the air-conditioned subway ride back home was just dandy. And by dandy, I mean it was the worst feeling ever.
Basically, there was a lot of:

Then last night we went to see the Upright Citizens' Brigade in the Park. The acts were pretty good (esp. Todd Barry), we laughed, chuckled, and "....that wasn't funny"-ed our way through. So right before the last act (which turned out to be awful), the emcees come onstage and say "Our final act wanted someone famous to introduce them. So we got someone famous. He's a literary figure, and most people don't know what he looks like. If you've read Catcher In The Rye or Franny and Zooey..." and at this point I'm thinking,
"Isn't Salinger dead???"
"Are they fucking kidding?"
and it felt like everyone in the audience was pretty much thinking the same thing, judging from the number of heads turning towards their neighbors' with that "WTF?" look.
Anyway, they introduce J.D Salinger.
This old man walks onto the stage, white hair, wearing a navy blue librarian caridan and slacks, and in kind of a soft voice begins to introduce the last act. Honestly I dont remember much of what he said because I kept turning to Caroline and her friend, going, "Are they kidding? Is this a gag? Seriously, ISN'T SALINGER DEAD?"
Although I do remember that he was carrying around little notecards, which was cute. So yeah. Pretty sure it was actually Salinger, in his first public appearance in god knows how many decades. (And it turns out that he's still alive and well, according to Wikipedia.)
The best part is, Salinger came out of his reclusive ways to introduce this piece of shit act that consisted of two men looking like they came from Rocky Horror, throwing condoms into the audience and screaming "BOOOOOOBIES!!!!!" into the mics.
So again,

Then today I had an emotionally draining day at work, but not because of the work itself. It just so happened that during the morning, every other person I spoke to had something snide and asshole-ish to say to me. For no reason. Which can get rough after a few hours. But thankfully the people I work with are great (or should I say, "SOLID!") and were looking out for me. Also, I love having Molly around because neither of us have ever had a real job in an office setting, so we're having a field day analyzing all of the office drama (including the office crushes *giggle*) - me loves it.
Had dinner at Chumley's (huzzzah!) with Cari and Molly. A fly landed in my cider. We all watched it struggle around for a bit, while commenting on how drunk it must be. Then it eventually died (of alcohol poisoning, we figured). But then I looked back after a few minutes and it was moving around again, so I guess it just got drunk and passed out for a bit. Sweet.
(They did give me a new cider, by the way.)

I don't know why I'm still typing. I suppose what I'm trying to say is, the past few days have been chock full of many many "WTF" moments (many more than I chose to list). And I have a feeling the next few weeks will be chock full of even more moments not unlike the aforementioned ones. Yes, I just wrote "not unlike".

My unlimited Metrocard expires tomorrow. Boo.


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