Wednesday, July 05, 2006

...nukes are for kids!

I finally found a pair of galoshes today! (They're red.) I've been meaning to get a pair for some time now, but was being lazy about it. However, now that I have a job that requires me to be outside everyday from 4-9, rain or shine, I figured it was high-time to get a pair of effing rain boots.

I know you're thinking, "Did she just say job?"

Indeed, you read correctly. I have a job for the next six weeks. One that pays, but simultaneously robs me of any social life (minus the weekends).
I'm working for Grassroots Campaigns, going door to door raising money for the Democratic National Committee. Yep, I'm going to be one of those people walking around the city with a clipboard, regurgitating a shpiel about winning a Democratic majority in Congress this fall - one of those people I always used to pass, feigning preoccupation with my cellphone or something. But the people I met at the office seemed nice (coincidentally, they were NYU grads as well. Nice political science majors from NYU? I thought they were an urban myth) and the job pays, so I'll just have to deal with it.
But just one more thing: when they told me the job was full-time, I figured it was Mon-Fri, 9-5. But it turns out it's Mon-Fri, 1-10 (since we have to catch all of the cranky 9-5-ers at home, when they're back from their normal-work-hour jobs). Which first of all, blows. And secondly, it's more than 8 hours. And finally, it means that I'll be missing the Philharmonic concerts in the park, which I was looking forward to SO MUCH. Sigh. I know I sound like a whiny brat, but the thought of missing the concerts really bums me out for some reason. Maybe because the repertoire is so amazing this year. I don't know.
But you should all go, and then tell me how it is. I'll just pretend I went or something.
Anyway, I start the job tomorrow. Huzzah.
(Wish me luck.)

So I'm spending my last, glorious day of laziness being...well, lazy. But not really; I've been trying to do write-ups of each of my pieces - putting the lyrics into context, etc. I have a few write-ups so far from last year, but the thought of doing one for each of the 30 songs is a little daunting; today I finished one for 'Prisms & Intentions.' I had started writing about this piece I think last summer while I was sitting in the airport waiting to board a flight. And it was so interesting to read what I had written then, because I had totally forgotten that the entire song had stemmed from something a friend said, and I had written the quote down. And if you asked me today what the song was based on, I wouldn't have that precise of an answer for you. Essentially, the whole write-up process just allows me the objectivity of analyzing what I'm writing and why I'm writing it. And the more songs I write, the more I start to forget why I wrote the previous songs. I've yet to let anyone read them (except Naima, my "manajer"), since no one's that invested in my music anyway (except Naima). But it feels good to hash things out for myself. And it keeps me away from the flaming pit of boredom.

Also, had a really gratifying discovery today.
The more I read about the Glass family in Salinger's "Franny and Zooey," the more parallels I began to draw between that family and the Royal Tenenbaums. Something about Franny reminded me of Margot, Bessie (the mother) was reminiscent of Etheleine, the seven children were all featured on a radio show It's A Wise Child, and basically all peaked when they were kids, etc.
I figured I was just over-analyzing, as usual. (I even went so far as to think that "Zooey" re-assembled would read "Oozey," which sounds like Chas's son "Uzi.")
I went on Wikipedia (which I believe is the Internet's cradle of civilization and all things good) and searched the Glass family, since they're featured pretty frequently in Salinger's stories, and this is what I found:
"Some of the characters in the Wes Anderson movie The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) were purportedly modelled after the Glass family."
HEEEEYOOOOO!!! I'm not crazy after all. (Although I admit the Oozey/Uzi thing was a bit far-fetched.)
So....there's the highlight of my day so far. That, and I began working on some accompaniment for a new song, which means the dry spell might be over.

Anyway. I think I'll go check CNN or to see if Kim Jong Il has launched any more flimsy missiles to Alaska.
Silly Kim...[insert title of blog entry]


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