Monday, July 17, 2006

democrats, congress, yadda yadda yadda

Nothing really to update about. Been "working" i.e asking strangers for lots of money. This new "job" has definitely given me some interesting new perspectives on people (including myself).

1. Today I was canvassing on 14th and 8th Ave, across from Balducci's. At one point, I was harrassed by a drunken homeless man. Which was unsettling. And at another point, I had an in depth conversation with another homeless man (who, unlike the first, was extremely cordial and knowledgable. And I also didn't realize he was homeless for a good few minutes).
2. I never would have thought I could survive being outside on the pavement for five hours on a day, especially on a day like today when it was over a hundred degrees with the humidity. But I did it! (And I'll have to do it again and again)
3. I thought I could tell a liberal from a conservative just from appearance, but the "never judge a book by its cover" saying has kicked me in the ass time and time again. Although, any sort of Lilly Pulitzer is always a surefire sign of a conservative - I have yet to have that theory proven wrong.
4. My office is full of ambiguously straight men, and it's funny/sometimes weird. But in general I think everyone at the office is either a stoner or a drunk. Or both. Which is great.
5. I'm rockin a sick flip-flop tan.
6. I'm trying to avoid getting a farmer's tan from my DNC tshirt, because as we all know, farmer's tan = epitome of "unfortunate."
7. The more I do this "YAY DEMOCRATS, BOO REPUBLICANS" spiel, the more I'm turned off by partisan politics, and the whole toolish feeling still hasn't gone away (and probably won't), but eh, the job pays.

And that's about it for now. Tomorrow's the Phliharmonic concert, hopefully it won't rain again *fingers crossed*


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