Thursday, December 08, 2005

uptown, it's another world

Why is it so goddamn impossible to find some Arizona Peach Iced Tea in this city??? WHY???

I saw a homeless man digging through garbage cans today, wearing feather angel wings. It definitely left a lasting impression.

Went to the Spence Winter Choral Concert today with Elena. Wels called us up to sing a song with the Glee Club. I had no idea what the song was, and there was step-touching & clapping involved. It was funny, but sadistic on Wels' part. And he knew it. Overall it was good though - Geraldo was there, as usual. For one song, a bunch of girls ran out into the audience and dragged their parents out into the aisles and were dancing. Geraldo is an awkward dancer.

And goodnight.


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