Tuesday, April 05, 2005

turn smile shift repeat


the past few days have kind of merged into one long day. last night, I hit up Bobst at around 5 pm. took a few breaks here and there, but ultimately was there for almost 12 hours, leaving at around 3. It was alright because Danielle and Billy were there for most of the time studying too, but goddamn. I've never been at the library to study, nonetheless stay there until 3 fucking am. (But we took a break at 2 am and went to get brie and stoned wheat thins. mmm) And then when I got back, I went down to the 2nd floor library in hayden to finish stuyding. I basically studied for 12 hours yesterday, not to mention the hours on sunday. for this one midterm.
so...yeah. we were saying that we didn't study this much even for the SATs. it was ridiculous. at least it's over.

the weather was absofuckinlutely gorgeous out so I sat in the park, almost got hit in the head by a wiffle ball, people-watched (it's a freak show in washington square park--really amusing)...after midterm, got tasti with elena mmmmmm. then teri was in the area so we hung out. got gray's, found a stoop on a cute sidestreet that reminded us of france. chilled.

and now I should start my essay but baah. baaaah, i say. nibbling on yakitori chicken from saints alp.


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